A - Departments: Economic Development & Planning

Board of Appeals Application
Do I need a permit to put a dock in the Merrimack River?
How can I apply for a variance?
How can I buy land or property from the City?
How can I change the zoning classification for my property?
How can I join the Haverhill Conservation Commission?
How do I go about registering my boat, snowmobile or A.T.V. or to learn about safety classes?
How do I know if an area is a wetland resource area?
How do I know if my project requires the review of the Commission?
I enjoy Haverhill's lakes, trails, conservation areas and parks. What can I do to help out?
Procedure for Form A - (ANR) Plans
What can I do to help maintain the health of wetland resource areas?
What does a Conservation Commission protect under the Rivers Protection Act?
What does the Conservation Commission protect under the City's wetlands protection ordinance?
What is a buffer zone?
What is a variance?
What is a wetland?
What is and is not allowed in a wetland resource area?
What is the Board of Appeals?
What is the Department of Economic Development and Planning?
What is the Haverhill Conservation Commission?
What is the Stormwater Management Policy?
What should I do if I see someone breaking environmental laws such as illegal dumping, fish and game violations or abusing public lands?
What types of "resource areas" does a Conservation Commission protect under the Wetlands Protection Act?
Where can I find a Haverhill Open Space and Recreation Plan?
Where can I find information on Mass. Fish and Wildlife laws?
Where can I find market profiles on the City’s downtown business district?
Where can I find results of the Haverhill Open Space and Recreation Visualization Survey?
Who is my Neighborhood Planner?
Why do we protect all these "resource areas"?

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