Knowledge Base

What are acceptable recyclable items?

With Single-stream recycling pilot program, you no longer need to separate your recyclables. The following are acceptable recyclable items: - Glass food and drink bottles and jars (Empty & clean, no food & no caps) - Juice boxes and milk or juice cartons (Rinse and discard caps and straws) - Aluminum and steel cans including aerosol cans (No paint, pesticides or other Hazardous Wastes) - Plastic food and laundry product bottles, jugs and jars (Size up to 3 gallons No. 1 through 7 plastics only - rinsed but not crushed, please no plastic bags) - Newspapers - Corrugated cardboard (Must be uncoated and Flattened) - Magazines & catalogs - Mixed office paper- Junk mail, home computer paper, writing paper, envelopes, receipts, bills, etc. (Shred or tear up bills and receipts to destroy personal information - Cereal boxes, shoe boxes, pasta boxes, shirt cardboard and soda and beer “refrigerator packs” and similar types of cardboard (No foil coated cardboard material. Remove the lining from cereal boxes and windows from pasta boxes).
Updated 8/12/2016 11:20 AM
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